Si Vous Play Sports



Si Vous Play Sports

1033 Edgeley Blvd.
Vaughan, ON L4K 0B9 | View on Google Maps
Mr. Frank Colarossi Mr. Frank Colarossi
(905) 761-8682 | fax: (416) 675-0936
Serving Toronto and the GTA for over 30 years, SVP SPORTS has become one of Greater Toronto Area’s number one destinations for name brand sneaker and athletic apparel. SVP SPORTS is a value retailer of brand name athletic apparel, footwear and accessories that have been in business since 1985. Originally, the name was a play on words/word pun: "Si Vous" Play Sports or if translated: “If You" Play Sports. Over time, a second interpretation of the slogan using those letters became: “Service, Value, Product”. Vision: Our vision is to create an unparalleled shopping experience while providing a premium level of customer service to all our customers. We constantly strive to be better at what we do, every day. Mission: Our mission is to exceed our customer’s expectations. Our customers are smart shoppers and appreciate great value for their dollar. We aim to fulfill their needs and more, so that customers go home with their expectations more than fulfilled. With great service and friendly reception, we pride ourselves on creating real and lasting relationships with our customers.
Member Since: 2004
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 (Date: 3/29/2025)